Amazing Vertical Garden Using Plastic Bottles, Portulaca (Moss Rose) Garden on Wal

Amazing Vertical Garden Using Plastic Bottles, Portulaca (Moss Rose) Garden on Wall

Recycle series of plastic bottles for vertical gardening. Greening your walls, recycling and planting your favorite plants or flowers. Very easy, cheap and beautiful. You can grow vegetables if you want, in this video I grow Moss Roses. It is my favorite flower.

Portulaca grandiflora (Moss Rose) is a colorful annual plant which creates a stunning carpet of attractive succulent foliage, covered with a profusion of brightly colored, single, semi-double or double, ruffled flowers, 1 in. across (2.5 cm). Blooming fromlate spring to frost, the flowers open their crepe paper petals on sunny days and close at night or when it is cloudy. They are available in pink, violet, white, red, salmon, orange… the fleshy, needle-like, succulent leaves are borne in clusters along reddish stems.

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